November 17th

Webinar - Leveraging credibility in insurance models

The session will be hosted by Pedro Pereira, Sales Director South Africa (AKUR8) and the speakers will be:

- Marco Banterle, Actuarial Data Scientist (AKUR8)

- Nicholas Song, Actuarial Consultant (Munich Re)

During the webinar, Marco and Nicholas will bring together their thoughts and expertises about this question: How can you make use of new technologies and established methods to make the most out of your data?

A special thanks to our speakers, who will share their knowledge and expertise, but also host a dedicated Q&A session after the presentation.

Featured speaker:
Marco Banterle, Actuarial Data Scientist, Akur8
Pedro Pereira, Sales Director, Akur8
Nicholas Song, Actuarial Consultant at Munich Re
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Learn more about the speakers

Portrait of Marco Banterle, Actuarial Data Scientist at Akur8
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Marco Banterle, Actuarial Data Scientist, Akur8

Portrait of Pedro Pereira, Sales Director at Akur8
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Pedro Pereira, Sales Director, Akur8

Pedro is a Sales Director at Akur8, having previously worked as a management consultant at Bain & Company and done his MBA studies at INSEAD. He has been supporting Akur8 customers across the globe in their journey towards higher pricing sophistication since 2020.

Nicholas Song, Actuarial Consultant working at Munich Re
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Nicholas Song, Actuarial Consultant at Munich Re