Maß-volles Pricing 2023 🇩🇪
On September 18, Akur8 is organizing its second Pricing Summit in Munich.
Pricing experts will gather to discuss different topics on the theme of "Maß-volles Pricing".
- Lorenz Meinl, Senior Manager, Deloitte: Markt Pricing: Effiziente Pricing Strategien und dynamisches Pricing
- Jan Küthe, Actuarial Data Scientist, Akur8: Versicherungsmathematisches Henne-Ei-Problem: Über Nachfragemodellierung und Preiselastizität
The event will be followed by a visit to one of the famous tents at the Oktoberfest.
If you're interested in attending the event, register now.👇

Our team will contact you with the event details.

Learn more about the speakers

Jan Küthe is an Actuary (DAV) from Germany and works at Akur8 as an Actuarial Data Scientist to help insurance companies unlock the potentials of the twenty-first century. Before that he has been working as an Actuarial Consultant for three years. He holds a Masters degree in Mathematics from the University of Bonn and is an avid reader of the books of Anna Seghers and Dietmar Dath.

Lorenz Meinl is an Actuary (DAV) and a Certified Actuarial Data Scientist (CADS). He leads the retail pricing team of Deloitte and supports insurers to develop further their pricing capabilities along all steps of the pricing process, including market pricing, price optimization, dynamic pricing and competitor analysis.