Akur8 Live
Madrid, Spain

Akur8 Live Pricing Summit Madrid

The first Akur8 Live event in Madrid will be around the topic of insurance pricing sophistication. Our guest speakers will discuss the role of actuaries and technology to bring to life a state-of-the-art pricing strategy.

Featured speaker:
Federico Vicioso Renedo, Director Técnico, Mutua Madrileña
Enrique Rodríguez López de Coca, Director Departamento Actuarial Particulares, Axa Seguros
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Portrait of Federico Vicioso Renedo, Director Técnico at Mutua Madrileña
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Federico Vicioso Renedo, Director Técnico, Mutua Madrileña

Director Técnico, Mutua Madrileña

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Enrique Rodríguez López de Coca, Director Departamento Actuarial Particulares, Axa Seguros

Director Departamento Actuarial Particulares, Axa Seguros